7 IPScreener Support Documentation Release Current: Version 2.40 Version 2.40 Date 2023-12-06New:UX API: (API Documentation)Added the possibility to search with patent number in POST idea..GET search now makes you able to get all your search results not only what is ranked based on the value of the new parameter "view:all/ranked".Added text in stats CPC/IPC classes to show how to view the info of each class.Changed:Removed "save profile" message when adding new keywords in highlights profile.Loading of passages is improved to be able to load faster.Changed how to view the classes info to be more userfriendly, so now no need to click on it, just hover and they show.Changed the text on "update search" when having my evaluation enabled.My evaluation sorts on relevance and in order so similar documents first, then background then noise.Changed order for highlight colours.Changed algorithm of retrieving patent data when no kindcode provided.Changed sms 2FA code to be all numerically.Bugs Fixed:External user accessing shared idea and commenting or doing marker comments, it comments with the name of the idea owner not the shared to user.New highlight words not showing till manual refresh.Primary passage summary in listvidew includ the title"primary passage".AI auto scroll in fullview doesn't work in "description" section in "Infrigement screening" index.Non owner user have "change plan" in dashboard but gets redirected to empty page clicking on it since they have no access."Last used" tab in share table not working on last access/open but only when there is activity done using the share link. eg: marker,comment.CPC classes titles and text outside the box in fullview.Clicking on CPC boxes in fullview doesn't show the details of class anymore. ×