Full documentation for IPscreener platform. 

Here you find each page describing how to use IPscreener portal.


Start by opening https://my.ipscreener.com/

  1. Enter E-mail.

  2. Enter password.

  3. When done, click on Login to enter the platform.

  4. Use this in case you forgot your password.


  • Dashboard is a new feature that had been implemented in version 2.14
  • It is a page that lets you see all your competitors , their news and what you are interested in.
  • It be based on your searches.
  • You see all the news by date and links, and by clicking on them you be navigated to a new page.

Create idea

  1. Click "New Search " in the left panelFill all fields with required.

    1. Text describing the idea.

      1. The more information you can give about your idea, the better your search will be.

      2. Possible to upload a .pdf or .doc-file instead of a manual search query.

    2. The idea reference or name.

    3. Title of the Idea.

    4. Patent document search.

      1. This search is used to describe an idea based on already created patents using patent numbers instead.

  2. Optional Fields (Advance search).

    1. Boolean search

    2. Publication date FROM and TO 

      1. Filters your search inside a specific time frame.

    3. Priority date FROM and TO

      1. Filters your search inside a specific time frame. ( Based on Priority)

    4. Applicant

      1. Used to filter for specific Applicant. Each Applicant is separated by a comma ,

    5. Inventor

      1. Used to filter for specific Inventor. Each Inventor is separated by a comma ,

    6. IPC/CPC Class

      1. Use this to filter your search to a specific patent class. Each Class is separated by comma 

    7. Screening Batch List

      1. This filters your search to a specific area or field of patents. Each patent is separated by comma 

  3. When done, click "New search" to create your idea. 

  4. Also now there is watch which you can read about it here


2c and 2d :
  • Supported languages are English, French ,German, Japanese, Italian, Chinese (mandarin), Swedish and Russian.
3f and 3d : 
  •  Screening Batch List 
  • Patent document search
are restricted to 5 documents at max in a search.

Good Example

The idea reference or name : Solid 

Title of idea; Solid-state drive

Description of idea :

"A solid-state drive (SSD) is a solid-state storage device that uses integrated circuit assemblies as memory to store data persistently, typically using flash memory. It is also sometimes called a solid-state device or a solid-state disk,[1] although SSDs lack the physical spinning disks and movable read-write heads used by the conventional electromechanical storage such as hard drives ("HDD") or floppy disks.[2]

Compared with the electromechanical drives, SSDs are typically more resistant to physical shock, run silently, and have quicker access time and lower latency.[3] SSDs store data in semiconductor cells. As of 2019, cells can contain between 1 and 4 bits of data. SSD storage devices vary in their properties according to the number of bits stored in each cell, with single bit cells ("SLC") being generally the most reliable, durable, fast, and expensive type, compared with 2 and 3 bit cells ("MLC" and "TLC"), and finally quad bit cells ("QLC") being used for consumer devices that do not require such extreme properties and are the cheapest of the four. In addition, 3D XPoint memory (sold by Intel under the Optane brand), stores data by changing the electrical resistance of cells instead of storing electrical charges in cells, and SSDs made from RAM can be used for high speed, when data persistence after power loss is not required, or may use battery power to retain data when its usual power source is unavailable.[4] Hybrid drives or solid-state hybrid drives (SSHDs), such as Apple's Fusion Drive, combine features of SSDs and HDDs in the same unit using both flash memory and a HDD in order to improve the performance of frequently-accessed data.[5][6][7]

While the price of SSDs has continued to decline over time, SSDs are (as of 2018) still more expensive per unit of storage than HDDs and are expected to remain so into the next decade.

SSDs based on NAND Flash will slowly leak charge over time if left for long periods without power. This causes worn-out drives (that have exceeded their endurance rating) to start losing data typically after one year (if stored at 30 °C) to two years (at 25 °C) in storage; for new drives it takes longer.[8] Therefore, SSDs are not suitable for archival storage. 3D XPoint is a possible exception to this rule, however it is a relatively new technology with unknown data-retention characteristics.

SSDs can use traditional hard disk drive (HDD) interfaces and form factors, or newer interfaces and form factors that exploit specific advantages of the flash memory in SSDs. Traditional interfaces (e.g., SATA and SAS) and standard HDD form factors allow such SSDs to be used as drop-in replacements for HDDs in computers and other devices. Newer form factors such as mSATA, M.2, U.2, and EDSFF (formerly known as Ruler SSD[9])[10] and higher speed interfaces such as NVMe over PCI Express can increase performance over HDD performance.[4]"

Bad Example

The idea reference or name : drive

Title of idea; Storage

Description of idea :

"A solid-state drive (SSD) is a solid-state storage device that uses integrated circuit assemblies as memory to store data persistently, typically using flash memory. It is also sometimes called a solid-state device or a solid-state disk,[1] although SSDs lack the physical spinning disks and movable read-write heads used by the conventional electromechanical storage such as hard drives ("HDD") or floppy disks.

Overview result page

Here you will see your search results and information about your project in detail.

  1. Toolbox tab contains functions about your project for exporting, sharing etc.

  2. Contains a summary of your current project version and if you want to change the data entered and run new version.

  3. This tab contains all your search results from different patent indexes.

  4. Actions(ranking ,comments), Statistics, Highlights, Filters View (My Favorites, My Evaluation, Quick View) . 

 Toolbox functions

Here you will find everything related to the blue sidebar Toolbox functions

Export function


You need to make rankings in your search before using this function.

  1. Click on export.

  2. Choose what format you want to export to.

    1. Excel ranked - Exports all ranked patents to a excel document.

    2. PDF ranked - Exports all ranked patents to a pdf document.

    3. Word ranked - Exports all ranked patents to a word document.

    4. USPTOIDS - Export all ranked patents to a XML file.

      1. Remember to unpack the zip file and open the .xdp-file. Read more USPTO.

    5. Excel all - Exports all patents from your search ranked or not.

    6. PDF all -Exports all patents from your search ranked or not as PDF.
    7. Clipboard- you can copy all the patent numbers in your hitlist.

My Evaluation

This is used to filter out patent based on your ranking of them.

  1. First click on the ranking you want for the document.

    1. Similar red - indicates a match found.

    2. Background green- only background information retrieved.

    3. Noise grey - not relevant to your idea. 

  1. Click on "my evaluation" to toggle it ON.

  2. Select filter based on rank.

    1. E.g. Select unrated to see all unrated document in your search.

    2. With the tool toggled OFF all documents will be visible regardless of ranking.


Rankings you make will be visible across all versions.

When this tool is active, Quickview will be deactivated.

Quick View

This function is used to show a more compact view of the results showing patent number and titles.

Highlight Toggle

It is used to toggle highlight function on and off.  Highlight.

This tool can also be used in full size document view.

Reference and Version tab

  1. Here you can switch between different versions of your idea and add general notes about the project.

  2. This data is imported from when you created your idea.

    1. You can add, remove or make changes here, to take effect you need to run a new version.

  3. "Show only new hits" -toggle is used to filter out result you have already seen.

    1. Useful when you have added, removed or changed anything inside "Queried Tab".

    2. If left toggled OFF you might not get any new hits on a new version.

    3. If left toggled ON it filters out hits from previous versions.

  4. Click "Search" when you want to do a new iteration. 

  1. Here you will see your different search index e.g Infringement screening, Global , TermSim and Novelty screening. 

  2. Information about the patent number and title.

    1. Click on the name (e.g #1US2014232994 A1 orto see a fullsize view of the document (will open a new window).

    2. Click on Pdf-icon to see original patent document or to download a copy. (will open a new window).

  3. Displays first image of a patent. Click on it for an enlarged view.

    1. Click on  the black arrows to load and see more images.

  4. A summary for this specific patent document containing first published, by whom, patent classes and Family legal status indicator (If it's active).

    1. To view the document on Espacenet.

  5. Use the comment button  to add comment or you can use the ranking system to make it easier to filter out relevant patent documents in your search.

    1. Click once to rank e.g. noise.

    2. Click again on noise to remove a rank.

Family legal status indicator

  1. Display if a patent is Alive (green) or Dead (red).

  2. Indicator are found on all patents grey info box under Family legal status indicator. -  It will be displayed in fullsize view as coloured text, under Family legal status indicator. See image below. 

Fullsize document overview

  1. Contains all information about first published date, published by whom, first priority, Inventor , classesfamily members and Family legal status indicator(Premium feature).

  2. In this column you can read about abstract and find images for the document. It's also possible to hide this element by clicking on the grey arrow.

  3. In this column you can read about Claim for this patent.

    1. By default the document is zoomed into the most relevant paragraph identified, where that text passage is highlighted (Lightblue).

    2. You can also click on the blue (P)-icon on the scroll bar to quickly navigate to that passage.

  4. In this column you can read about Description for this patent.

    1. By default the document is zoomed into the most relevant paragraph identified, where that text passage is highlighted (Lightblue).

    2. You can also click on the blue (P)-icon on the scroll bar to quickly navigate to that passage.

  5. Here you will find our toolbox, containing Highlight tool, Marker tool(Premium feature) and Ranking.

    1. Highlight tool needs to be toggled on outside this view to be useable.

    2. To see next/previous result, use the navigation arrows inside the Tools tab.

Extended Passage 

With this feature active, the search engine goes through the document and highlights what it thinks are the 3 most relevant parts of a document.

  1. Image shows 2 out of 3 highlighted parts.
  2. An blue (P) on the scrollbar indicates where these passages are found.
    1. Click on the blue (P) to quickly navigate to that passage.

Stats Tab 

  1. Click here to switch between Stats and Highlight tool.

  2. Top countries where priority applications are filed.

    1. Colour


      dark blue


      light blue




  3. Top patent applicants active in the technical field.

    1. You can click on the different parts of the wheel to get more information about the different applicants.

    2. E.g. IBM is the top applicant with 38 applications.

  4. Distribution of Patent Application Priority dates.

  5. Top Patent Inventor active in the Technical Field.

    1. You can click on the different parts of the wheel to get more information about the different inventors.

  6. A word cloud based on your text describing the idea.

    1. Also used to create the default highlight profile.

    2. Larger font reference a more common word in your result.

  7. Top CPC Classes related to the Idea.

    1. Click on a CPC/IPC class to show tooltips, inside an enlarged view.


You can click on all images/graphs/wheels to see an enlarged view.


  • Share is a function you can use to send the link of your idea to any email you want to share with from your company or outside

  • You also can contact us to specify how many hours or days you want your shared link to be active
  • You can share the link to multiple emails at the same time .


    Please note that it is your own responsibility who you share this link with.

  • You can always see how many times have this link been opened and by who. 
  • You can at anytime click on unlink and disconnect this email from accessing the link you shared with

  • Here is an example of the mail that the person you share this link with will get.


  • Now we have a new feature called Watch which you can toggle it on and off while creating your search 

  • OR on any of your old ideas 

  • And this helps you create new versions of your idea automatically and it be sent to your email directly every week or month ( the time you pick ) 
  • Your watch cases you find them in different list than your ideas list 


  • In history function you can track all the activities within the idea you searched and clicked on its history. 

  • You can see if someone else commented on part of it. 
  • If someone marked a part of it.
  • If someone ranked any of these documents and what kind of rank did they rank it.

  • As you see up we have 4 categories in our table, and we gonna be explaining them in this table:


    DateThe date that this user made any activity in this document.
    2)UserWhich user did this, If it is someone inside your company or outsider from who you shared your link with.
    3)CategoryWhat was the type of activity they did, comment or rank or mark.
    4)DataThe data inside this category whether what was their comment or which part they marked in a document or what rank they gave to each document.

Stats Tab 

  1. Click here to switch between Stats and Highlight tool.

  2. Top countries where priority applications are filed.

    1. Colour


      dark blue


      light blue




  3. Top patent applicants active in the technical field.

    1. You can click on the different parts of the wheel to get more information about the different applicants.

    2. E.g. IBM is the top applicant with 38 applications.

  4. Distribution of Patent Application Priority dates.

  5. Top Patent Inventor active in the Technical Field.

    1. You can click on the different parts of the wheel to get more information about the different inventors.

  6. A word cloud based on your text describing the idea.

    1. Also used to create the default highlight profile.

    2. Larger font reference a more common word in your result.

  7. Top CPC Classes related to the Idea.

    1. Click on a CPC/IPC class to show tooltips, inside an enlarged view.


You can click on all images/graphs/wheels to see an enlarged view.

Reference and Version tab

  1. Here you can switch between different versions of your idea and add general notes about the project.

  2. This data is imported from when you created your idea.

    1. You can add, remove or make changes here, to take effect you need to run a new version.

  3. "Show only new hits" -toggle is used to filter out result you have already seen.

    1. Useful when you have added, removed or changed anything inside "Queried Tab".

    2. If left toggled OFF you might not get any new hits on a new version.

    3. If left toggled ON it filters out hits from previous versions.

  4. Click "Search" when you want to do a new iteration. 

  1. Here you will see your different search index e.g Infringement screening, Global , TermSim and Novelty screening. 

  2. Information about the patent number and title.

    1. Click on the name (e.g #1US2014232994 A1 orto see a fullsize view of the document (will open a new window).

    2. Click on Pdf-icon to see original patent document or to download a copy. (will open a new window).

  3. Displays first image of a patent. Click on it for an enlarged view.

    1. Click on  the black arrows to load and see more images.

  4. A summary for this specific patent document containing first published, by whom, patent classes and Family legal status indicator (If it's active).

    1. To view the document on Espacenet.

  5. Use the comment button  to add comment or you can use the ranking system to make it easier to filter out relevant patent documents in your search.

    1. Click once to rank e.g. noise.

    2. Click again on noise to remove a rank.

Family legal status indicator

  1. Display if a patent is Alive (green) or Dead (red).

  2. Indicator are found on all patents grey info box under Family legal status indicator. -  It will be displayed in fullsize view as coloured text, under Family legal status indicator. See image below. 

Highlight Tool

Create profile

  1. Toggle highlight ON.

  2. Click on highlight from the tab tools (right side panel).

  3. The tool comes with a pre-defined keyword profile called Default.

    1. To create a custom profile press “new” and choose a profile name (eg. profile 1).

  4. Click save. (Or just click enter and it will save.)

Info Default profile

  • The Default keyword set can be saved to a new profile and then changed.
  • Highlight profiles are saved and can be used in multiple projects without having to create a new one everytime.
  • Highlights are also supported in full size document view.
  • If you create a new highlight profile and then go to another case or create new one the first default highlight you will see is the one you last created not the default, but you can change that in the dropdown menu.

Delete profile

  1. Select the profile in the drop down menu.

  2. Click "delete" to delete the selected profile.

Adding and removing Keywords

  1. Click “+Add group” button.

  2. Fill in your keywords.

    1. All keywords in the same group will have the same colour code.

    2. You can also have multiple keywords in the same group.

    3. You can create up to 10 different keyword groups.

  3. To delete a keyword group, click x in the upper right corner.

    1. To delete a specific keyword. Click on it and use "backspace" on your keyboard.

  4. Click save when done adding or deleting groups. (Or just click enter and it will save by itself.)

Truncate Support

We Support truncate in highlight words only by using the ( * ) method after the word.


Here you can change everything related to your user profile.

Default settings for result page:

  • Hit list – Filters how many hits you will see in the result view , e.g. 10, 25, 50.

  • Idea list - Filters cases you will see in My ideas per page e.g. 10, 25, 50.

  • Quick view default – A more compact view of results.

  • Show only new hits default – Returns new search results only.

  • Extended family  – Show extended family members in results.

  • Highlight default - Activate highlight tool.

  • Show only first version in report - Used to only export first version.

Default settings

All settings are set to Off by default.

You need to re-log for changes to take effect.

Change Password

  1. Type in your current password.

  2. Type in your new password.

    1. Remember to create a secure password with at least on capital letter and at least one number.

  3. Type in your new password again in verify password, they need to match.

  4. Click save to save changes.

Here are the best tools provided to analyse and filter out your results.

 Toolbox functions

Here you will find everything related to the blue sidebar Toolbox functions

Export function


You need to make rankings in your search before using this function.

  1. Click on export.

  2. Choose what format you want to export to.

    1. Excel ranked - Exports all ranked patents to a excel document.

    2. PDF ranked - Exports all ranked patents to a pdf document.

    3. Word ranked - Exports all ranked patents to a word document.

    4. USPTOIDS - Export all ranked patents to a XML file.

      1. Remember to unpack the zip file and open the .xdp-file. Read more USPTO.

    5. Excel all - Exports all patents from your search ranked or not.

    6. PDF all -Exports all patents from your search ranked or not as PDF.
    7. Clipboard- you can copy all the patent numbers in your hitlist.

My Evaluation

This is used to filter out patent based on your ranking of them.

  1. First click on the ranking you want for the document.

    1. Similar red - indicates a match found.

    2. Background green- only background information retrieved.

    3. Noise grey - not relevant to your idea. 

  1. Click on "my evaluation" to toggle it ON.

  2. Select filter based on rank.

    1. E.g. Select unrated to see all unrated document in your search.

    2. With the tool toggled OFF all documents will be visible regardless of ranking.


Rankings you make will be visible across all versions.

When this tool is active, Quickview will be deactivated.

Quick View

This function is used to show a more compact view of the results showing patent number and titles.

Highlight Toggle

It is used to toggle highlight function on and off.  Highlight.

This tool can also be used in full size document view.

Highlight Tool

Create profile

  1. Toggle highlight ON.

  2. Click on highlight from the tab tools (right side panel).

  3. The tool comes with a pre-defined keyword profile called Default.

    1. To create a custom profile press “new” and choose a profile name (eg. profile 1).

  4. Click save. (Or just click enter and it will save.)

Info Default profile

  • The Default keyword set can be saved to a new profile and then changed.
  • Highlight profiles are saved and can be used in multiple projects without having to create a new one everytime.
  • Highlights are also supported in full size document view.
  • If you create a new highlight profile and then go to another case or create new one the first default highlight you will see is the one you last created not the default, but you can change that in the dropdown menu.

Delete profile

  1. Select the profile in the drop down menu.

  2. Click "delete" to delete the selected profile.

Adding and removing Keywords

  1. Click “+Add group” button.

  2. Fill in your keywords.

    1. All keywords in the same group will have the same colour code.

    2. You can also have multiple keywords in the same group.

    3. You can create up to 10 different keyword groups.

  3. To delete a keyword group, click x in the upper right corner.

    1. To delete a specific keyword. Click on it and use "backspace" on your keyboard.

  4. Click save when done adding or deleting groups. (Or just click enter and it will save by itself.)

Truncate Support

We Support truncate in highlight words only by using the ( * ) method after the word.

Here you will find all the commands you need so you can use the voice control function in IPscreener
Command to sayDescription
New idea
  • Start talk to enter search new new, search after 2 minutes or on command "search now" and show results)
Search now
  • Same as hiting the search button
Assist me
  • Shows a box "processing", then listen to discussion, search it after 1 minute IPscreener shows results. when results ready  then show hit list view, thus we newer see the new list view, Upon results ready IPscreener steps documents automatically on screen one by one at 5 sec intervals, when reaching, end of hit list a new search is performed.
Stop stepping
  • Stops the stepping of hits in "Assist me" 
More of this
  • Perform a new search on active document by using find more on active hit number
Find more #
  • Perform a new search by using find more on hit number #
Step Next
  • Stepping to previous hit
Step Back
  • Stepping to next hit

Add comment

  • Adds a comment to the active document

Save Comment

  • Save the document comment

Add Note

  • Adds a note to the idea

Save Note

  • Save the idea comment
Open archive
  • Show the list or my ideas list
Open <id>
  • Open a specific search list (idea list view)
Expand view
  • Expand view of hit in hitlist to Full view
Minimize view
  • Minimize view of hit in hitlist to Quick view
Rank <rank>
  • Rank active document with:




IN (Result-view)

Rank # <rank>
  • Rank document # with:




IN (Result-view)

Pdf report
  • This option will open an export with all ranked documents saved in a pdf file.
  • this option turns off the voice control only

How to activate microphone:

  • To activate voice commands press microphone icon at the bottom left side in the blue settings panel. 

  • A pop-up will ask you to allow microphone being used. At any given time you can revoke microphone access.

  • And a red dot will appear on you browser tab indicating it's active and broadcasting.

Microphone OFF

Microphone ON

A short introduction to make your first searches with the ipscreener platform, for a more in-depth manual, visit Ipscreener Documentation.


Start by opening https://my.ipscreener.com/

  1. Enter E-mail.

  2. Enter password.

  3. When done, click on Login to enter the platform.

  4. Use this in case you forgot your password.

Create idea

  1. Click "New Search " in the left panelFill all fields with required.

    1. Text describing the idea.

      1. The more information you can give about your idea, the better your search will be.

      2. Possible to upload a .pdf or .doc-file instead of a manual search query.

    2. The idea reference or name.

    3. Title of the Idea.

    4. Patent document search.

      1. This search is used to describe an idea based on already created patents using patent numbers instead.

  2. Optional Fields (Advance search).

    1. Boolean search

    2. Publication date FROM and TO 

      1. Filters your search inside a specific time frame.

    3. Priority date FROM and TO

      1. Filters your search inside a specific time frame. ( Based on Priority)

    4. Applicant

      1. Used to filter for specific Applicant. Each Applicant is separated by a comma ,

    5. Inventor

      1. Used to filter for specific Inventor. Each Inventor is separated by a comma ,

    6. IPC/CPC Class

      1. Use this to filter your search to a specific patent class. Each Class is separated by comma 

    7. Screening Batch List

      1. This filters your search to a specific area or field of patents. Each patent is separated by comma 

  3. When done, click "New search" to create your idea. 

  4. Also now there is watch which you can read about it here


2c and 2d :
  • Supported languages are English, French ,German, Japanese, Italian, Chinese (mandarin), Swedish and Russian.
3f and 3d : 
  •  Screening Batch List 
  • Patent document search
are restricted to 5 documents at max in a search.

Good Example

The idea reference or name : Solid 

Title of idea; Solid-state drive

Description of idea :

"A solid-state drive (SSD) is a solid-state storage device that uses integrated circuit assemblies as memory to store data persistently, typically using flash memory. It is also sometimes called a solid-state device or a solid-state disk,[1] although SSDs lack the physical spinning disks and movable read-write heads used by the conventional electromechanical storage such as hard drives ("HDD") or floppy disks.[2]

Compared with the electromechanical drives, SSDs are typically more resistant to physical shock, run silently, and have quicker access time and lower latency.[3] SSDs store data in semiconductor cells. As of 2019, cells can contain between 1 and 4 bits of data. SSD storage devices vary in their properties according to the number of bits stored in each cell, with single bit cells ("SLC") being generally the most reliable, durable, fast, and expensive type, compared with 2 and 3 bit cells ("MLC" and "TLC"), and finally quad bit cells ("QLC") being used for consumer devices that do not require such extreme properties and are the cheapest of the four. In addition, 3D XPoint memory (sold by Intel under the Optane brand), stores data by changing the electrical resistance of cells instead of storing electrical charges in cells, and SSDs made from RAM can be used for high speed, when data persistence after power loss is not required, or may use battery power to retain data when its usual power source is unavailable.[4] Hybrid drives or solid-state hybrid drives (SSHDs), such as Apple's Fusion Drive, combine features of SSDs and HDDs in the same unit using both flash memory and a HDD in order to improve the performance of frequently-accessed data.[5][6][7]

While the price of SSDs has continued to decline over time, SSDs are (as of 2018) still more expensive per unit of storage than HDDs and are expected to remain so into the next decade.

SSDs based on NAND Flash will slowly leak charge over time if left for long periods without power. This causes worn-out drives (that have exceeded their endurance rating) to start losing data typically after one year (if stored at 30 °C) to two years (at 25 °C) in storage; for new drives it takes longer.[8] Therefore, SSDs are not suitable for archival storage. 3D XPoint is a possible exception to this rule, however it is a relatively new technology with unknown data-retention characteristics.

SSDs can use traditional hard disk drive (HDD) interfaces and form factors, or newer interfaces and form factors that exploit specific advantages of the flash memory in SSDs. Traditional interfaces (e.g., SATA and SAS) and standard HDD form factors allow such SSDs to be used as drop-in replacements for HDDs in computers and other devices. Newer form factors such as mSATA, M.2, U.2, and EDSFF (formerly known as Ruler SSD[9])[10] and higher speed interfaces such as NVMe over PCI Express can increase performance over HDD performance.[4]"

Bad Example

The idea reference or name : drive

Title of idea; Storage

Description of idea :

"A solid-state drive (SSD) is a solid-state storage device that uses integrated circuit assemblies as memory to store data persistently, typically using flash memory. It is also sometimes called a solid-state device or a solid-state disk,[1] although SSDs lack the physical spinning disks and movable read-write heads used by the conventional electromechanical storage such as hard drives ("HDD") or floppy disks.

Reference and Version tab

  1. Here you can switch between different versions of your idea and add general notes about the project.

  2. This data is imported from when you created your idea.

    1. You can add, remove or make changes here, to take effect you need to run a new version.

  3. "Show only new hits" -toggle is used to filter out result you have already seen.

    1. Useful when you have added, removed or changed anything inside "Queried Tab".

    2. If left toggled OFF you might not get any new hits on a new version.

    3. If left toggled ON it filters out hits from previous versions.

  4. Click "Search" when you want to do a new iteration.