Stats Tab

  1. Click here to switch between Stats and Highlight tool.
  2. Top countries where priority applications are filed.
    1. ColourApplicants
      dark bluehigh
      light bluelow
  3. Top patent applicants active in the technical field.
    1. You can click on the different parts of the wheel to get more information about the different applicants.
    2. E.g. IBM is the top applicant with 38 applications.
  4. Distribution of Patent Application Priority dates.
  5. Top Patent Inventor active in the Technical Field.
    1. You can click on the different parts of the wheel to get more information about the different inventors.
  6. A word cloud based on your text describing the idea.
    1. Also used to create the default highlight profile.
    2. Larger font reference a more common word in your result.
  7. Top CPC Classes related to the Idea.
    1. Click on a CPC/IPC class to show tooltips, inside enlarged view.


You can click on all images/graphs/wheels to see an enlarged view.

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