1. Here you will see your different search index e.g Infringement screening, Global , TermSim and Novelty screening. 

  2. Information about the patent number and title.

    1. Click on the name (e.g #1US2014232994 A1 orto see a fullsize view of the document (will open a new window).

    2. Click on Pdf-icon to see original patent document or to download a copy. (will open a new window).

  3. Displays first image of a patent. Click on it for an enlarged view.

    1. Click on  the black arrows to load and see more images.

  4. A summary for this specific patent document containing first published, by whom, patent classes and Family legal status indicator (If it's active).

    1. To view the document on Espacenet.

  5. Use the comment button  to add comment or you can use the ranking system to make it easier to filter out relevant patent documents in your search.

    1. Click once to rank e.g. noise.

    2. Click again on noise to remove a rank.

Family legal status indicator

  1. Display if a patent is Alive (green) or Dead (red).

  2. Indicator are found on all patents grey info box under Family legal status indicator. -  It will be displayed in fullsize view as coloured text, under Family legal status indicator. See image below.