My Profile

Here you can change everything related to your user profile.

Required fields are:

  • First and last name.
  • Mobile phone.

Default settings for result page.

Hit list – Filtes how many hits you will see in the result view , e.g. 10, 25, 50.

Idea list - Filtes cases you will see in My ideas per page, e.g. 10, 25, 50.

Quick view default – A more compact view of results.

Show only new hits default – Returns new search results only.

Extended family  – Show extended family members in results.

Highlight default - Activate highlight tool.

Show only first version in report - Used to only export first version.

Permium features:

Legal Status default - Shows if a patent is Alive/Dead.

Default settings

All settings are set to Off by default.

You need to relogg for changes to take effect.

Change Password

  1. Type in your current password.
  2. Type in your new password.
    1. Remember to create a secure password with at least on capital letter and at least one number.
  3. Type in your new password again in verify password, they need to match.
  4. Click save to save changes.

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